It is the 1958 Springfield High School senior prom, and four teenage girls who are the school’s “trophy-winning” song leaders are asked to step in as the entertainment. They are replacing the boys’ glee club, the Crooning Crab Cakes, whose lead singer was caught smoking behind the girls’ locker room and suspended from school.
As they sing and dance to popular songs of the 1950s, tension between two of the girls, Betty Jean and Cindy Lou, increases. They fight about a boy, but eventually make-up as the other girls, Missy and Suzy, also sing about their loves. Act One culminates with the vote for the “Queen of Your Dreams,” the prom queen.
Act Two takes place ten years later, at the girls’ ten year reunion with popular songs from the 1960s. The girls have again been asked to provide the entertainment. Suzy, Missy, and Betty Jean stayed in Springfield after high school, while Cindy Lou went to Hollywood before coming back to Springfield. Each of the girls tells the story of the man in her life and what has happened since high school. The evening ends as magically as it began.